Mejor precio Garantizado Online
C/ Pintor Lorenzo Casanova, 31 - 03003 Alicante
Tlf. +34 965 13 04 40 - Fax. +34 965 92 83 23
  abba Centrum Alicante ***

C/ Pintor Lorenzo Casanova, 31
03003 Alicante

Tlf. +34 965 13 04 40
Fax +34 965 92 83 23

In order to offer a better service to our clients and with the purpose of renewing and extending all our facilities, increasing the amount and the quality of the offered services, we are remodeling the cafeteria and restaurant. They will be closed until new warning.

Ask for information depending on the date.

Our restaurant is specialised in Mediterranean cuisine.


Celebrate your wedding reception at abba Hotels and forget about everything..

Leave everything in the hands of our true professionals, who are constantly working to offer an excellent service with specialised and detailed catering.

We can offer the best quality at the best price.

Let us organise your wedding reception and you will enjoy a special welcome cocktail and an exquisite banquet.

Allow us to share this very special day with you and turn it into a unique experience by being especially attentive to every detail.

At abba Hotels we take care of everything for you. We personalise your wedding and make it unique and unforgettable. We will prepare your wedding to suit your wishes. Request a quote free of charge.

At abba we will attend to your needs concerning celebrations as no one else can.

Please contáct us for further information.